Sending text messages is an integrated part of our everyday lives, so why not message your bank? Secure messaging allows you to carry out your banking activities whenever and wherever you are. If you have a question about a check or are unsure about a debit card transaction, rather than picking up the phone or visiting a branch in person, you can easily and securely communicate with your bank from your phone or laptop by sending a message.
What is secure messaging?
Secure messaging is a streamlined and safe communication channel. Needham Bank offers secure messaging through Online and Mobile Banking, which allows you to conveniently engage with us through your personal banking login. Our message portals can be accessed from both your phone and laptop and provide you with a way to receive help while also keeping your personal information private.
What are the benefits of this communication method?
Feel as secure through messaging as you do walking into one of our branches. Our Personal Online Banking platform is safe and secure, protected by out-of-band authentication and our NB Mobile App safeguards your personal and account(s) information with touchID and biometric login.
Save time by sending a message from your phone or laptop. With secure messaging, you will be able to contact the bank quickly, rather than picking up a phone or visiting a branch.
We know that life gets busy. That’s why you will receive an email notification when a Needham Bank employee has responded to your message, just to make sure that you don’t miss it.
Our secure messaging portal is easily accessible through NB Online and Mobile banking, allowing you to message right from within your personal banking platform.
How do I access secure messaging?
Now that you understand what secure messaging is and the benefits of using it, it is time to understand how you can access this communication channel.
Online Banking
After you have used your username and password to log in to Online Banking, hover over “Additional Services” in the top toolbar and select “Secure Messaging.” This will open the messaging portal into a new tab, where you can then type your message.
Mobile Banking
Once you are logged in to the NB Mobile App, click “More” from the bottom toolbar on the right-hand side. Select “Secure Messaging,” which is located directly under the “Contact Us” menu divider. This will then allow you to send a secure message from your mobile device.
Secure messaging is a convenient and safe way to communicate with Needham Bank employees. By utilizing this communication channel, you will save time and get the help you need, all from your laptop or mobile device. If you have any questions about accessing secure messaging, please call 781-444-2100 and press 2.