NB Business Money Market

Grow your savings while keeping your funds liquid. Your NB Business Money Market is designed for higher balances—the more money you save, the higher your interest rate becomes.

Benefits & Features

Business Online & Mobile Banking

Take complete control over your business finances whenever and wherever you want. NB Business Online and Mobile Banking scales to support your business at any size:

Serving Our Clients

Village Forge, Inc.

Tina Killeen, President, has seen Village Forge transform from a small railing shop out of her parents’ basement to a successful steel fabrication and welding company. Needham Bank helped save her employees’ jobs during the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).

Frequently Asked Questions

Once logged into your Business Online profile, please navigate to the Messages center, a white envelope symbol located at the top of the page. Simply send us a secure message requesting the account be linked. Please provide the account title and the last four digits of the account number and we will respond to you shortly once the account has been added to your business online profile.

NB Business Online Banking is a great solution to managing your business accounts. It allows you to view account history, include multiple entities within one online profile, transfer funds, initiate wire requests, pay your bills and invoices online, pay your federal taxes online, and download your information into QuickBooks. NB Business Online is customizable to your business needs. We can help you save time and be more efficient.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Our experienced relationship managers will take the time to get to know you and your business in order to recommend the right strategies and solutions. Learn more about how we can help you build your business’s dreams.

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