Welcome to Needham Bank

Phone call to old woman from scam or fraud caller. Elder senior answering to unknown number. Smartphone scammer or mobile hoax, catfish or phishing concept. Stalker or stranger. Grandma with cellphone

Read and learn about common phone scams and how to protect yourself and your accounts.

Built for Business

Our commercial lending team is committed to help clients build their businesses every day, because at Needham Bank, we aren’t just bankers, we’re builders.

Needham Bank team at Fenway park posing behind two World Series trophies

Why Needham Bank?

We’re committed to serving you through personalized service, competitive products, and a strong community partner.

Serving Our Community

When you bank with us, your support makes community development happen.

The money you entrust with us is invested locally to make a difference. Helping to build communities – helping them grow and prosper in a responsible, sustainable manner – is the essence of who we are.

Client Stories

Bret LaBelle quickly realized the value of a full relationship with Needham Bank. The high level of service, sense of community, and easy-to-use products ultimately influenced him to switch all of his banking over to Needham Bank.